Get Rid of the Triggers!

Do you ever try to say what it is you do in less than fifteen seconds?  Some coaches call that your elevator speech.  It is supposed to describe just enough of what you do that people will want to know more about you.  How would you answer the question “what do you do” in fifteen … Read more

Coming Soon: Tools for a Peaceful Life

Do you remember learning multiplication as a child? I really struggled with some of the times tables, but some of them just made perfect sense. I obviously practiced the ones I liked because they made me feel smarter. That’s kind of how life works. “All things multiply themselves. Worry multiplies reasons to worry. Fear multiplies … Read more

Five Indicators of a True Friendship

Thank you, W Felderman for filling in the past few days – your posts have been great!  I should be back tomorrow. Five Indicators of a True Friendship You’ve probably realized that friends come and go. In some cases, your interests change as you get older. In other cases, something happens that forces you to … Read more

What Your Dog Wants You to Know About Using Social Media

Thank you again, W. Felderman for another guest post while I’m traveling   What Your Dog Wants You to Know About Using Social Media Social media is a wonderful way to stay in touch with family and friends, but it can have its downside. Numerous studies suggest that overdoing it on Facebook or similar sites … Read more

Swapping Skills: Benefit by Trading Your Experience

Thank you to W. Fielderman for the guest post: Swapping Skills: Benefit by Trading Your Experience With Others One wonderful thing about life is that each of us has our own unique skills and areas of expertise. Maybe you bake better than anyone you know and you can wash a car in 45 minutes flat. … Read more

Sunday Serenities – A New Affirmation to Start Your Week

Sunday Serenities – A New Affirmation to Start Your Week Each week we will be sharing a new affirmation. The introductory information will remain the same, but if you are new to affirmations, please check out the first two sections on “What is an Affirmation?” and “How to Practice Your Affirmation.” If you regularly read … Read more

Moderation for a Peaceful Life

The world wants you to think that more is better. However, when we are talking about material things, more isn’t always best for a peaceful life. It’s too easy to get caught up in pursuing more of everything we enjoy, and for us to lose focus on what is really important in life. Moderation is … Read more

Choose to Have a Great Day

Life is full of surprises. Some are good, and some are not so good.  In an average day, a seemingly endless number of unexpected events can occur that might create stress, worry, or frustration. Instead of letting these negative emotions take over, what if you were to make a conscious decision to have a great … Read more

Advantages of a Positive Attitude

Life can get challenging and It can be easy to allow yourself to have a negative attitude. However, a positive attitude can change everything. A positive attitude is considered by many experts to be the best predictor of success. Nothing else can impact your success. A good attitude can be difficult to maintain when faced … Read more

Calm the Mental Chatter for a Peaceful Life

We all have a constant companion that is never quiet. It’s what some call “monkey brain,” but I’ll refer to it as mental chatter for this post.  It’s always there.  The mental chatter in our heads starts when we wake up and is still going when we go to sleep. It’s even active during our … Read more