Gratitude: Take Time to Reflect

Sometimes people get so caught up in the busyness of their lives that they get a type of tunnel vision.  This tunnel vision limits their ability to see what is going on outside their own little world, and they often miss out on the activity that is happening around them.   You’re so busy going … Read more

Get a Makeover for a Peaceful Life

We all have have an innate desire, whether we realize it or not, to be the person we were created to be.  We try various ways to get there – some work, some not so much.  Until we find that purpose, we will continue to feel unsettled, and a peaceful life will not be an easy … Read more

Feel Gratitude in Challenging Times for a Peaceful Life

Every life has its challenges, some more than others. Each person is tasked with a purpose for their life and depending on what it is, how they approach it, and the circumstances of their day to day lives the challenges may be easy or they may be truly difficult. I was always told that people … Read more

Reading for a Peaceful Life

When is the last time you sat down and actually read a book?  If you’re like me, I went years without doing any reading purely for pleasure.  I spent a lot of time reading nonfiction or doing research, but that was for work.  Since I left my day job and started my own business, things have surely changed. … Read more

Plan to Indulge for a Peaceful Life

Many of us have been raised to think that we should always put ourselves last. We are programmed to think that self-indulgence is a bad thing. I believe that in order to have a truly peaceful life, we need to make time to do those things we really want to do – in moderation, of … Read more

Mature Skin? TRY THIS!

Your skin changes gradually over time. It may appear thinner, drier, and less elastic. However, there are many simple things you can do to keep your skin looking and feeling as healthy as long as possible. If you’re wondering why your skin is less supple than it used to be, there are many possible causes. … Read more

Gratitude Enhances Your Life

Gratitude is such an important tool for a peaceful life. Not only does it make your life more peaceful, it also enhances your life in many other ways. Abundance surrounds us all – especially those of us that live in North America. Regardless of our stations in life, there are many things that come into … Read more

Free from Rejection

Eliminate your fear of rejection and you will suddenly have a much more peaceful life.  Just think about it for a minute – What would your life look like if you were free from worrying about the opinions of others? What if seeking the approval of other people failed to enter your mind? How would it … Read more

Express Feelings with Gratitude for a Peaceful Life

A special thank you to W. Felderman for this insightful post on maintaining a more peaceful life.  Pay close attention to how trying to bury your emotions can really be harmful.  I’m reading a book by Karol K. Truman titled Feelings Buried Alive Never Die.  There is a statement in the first chapter that says, … Read more

Avoid Negativity for a Peaceful Life

Does it seem to you like there is a whole lot more negativity in the world lately? Is that ongoing negativity bringing you down? Every day, you’re most likely exposed to a variety of situations. Some, you’ll perceive as positive, others neutral, and some negative. If the unpleasant ones seem to be increasing in your … Read more