Apologize and Lead a Peaceful Life

Have you ever made a mistake that negatively affects another person? If we are honest with ourselves, we all have. It may have been something as simple as using words that were misunderstood and taken the wrong way. Maybe you lost your temper, or were rude. Maybe it involved another person’s property or another relationship … Read more

Let Go for a More Peaceful Life

Letting go and forgiving others is an essential tool for a peaceful life. It is not only essential for the peace of the person who receives the forgiveness, but it is essential for you as the person offering the forgiveness. It’s not always a simple thing to forgive someone. If someone accidentally steps on your … Read more

Give Yourself this Gift for a Peaceful Life

Are you looking for a more peaceful life?  You may be surprised to know that there is a gift you can give yourself that will instantly make your life more peaceful.  The best part is that it will not cost you any money at all.  You may have to pay in a different way, though. What is this … Read more

Stop the Complaints!

Have you ever met someone who is always complaining? Most of us have at least one “Negative Nellie’ or “Negative Ned” in our life. As it turns out, those who complain a lot have negative thoughts running through their brains most of the time. These negative thoughts compel them to express those thoughts to anyone … Read more

Find Peace in Forgiveness

If you are looking to truly have a peaceful life, give yourself the gift of forgiveness. Really – it’s key. We all react when we feel someone has wronged us. In fact, forgiveness may be the last thing on our minds. We may even be plotting how to get back at them for what they’ve … Read more

Change Your Perspective for a More Peaceful Life

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck? What I mean is, like, stuck in a rut? It may seem like no matter what you try, things just keep on being the same day after day. Nothing ever really changes. It feels like it never will. It’s Definitely not very conducive to a peaceful lifestyle. Don’t … Read more

Forgive and Let Go to Keep Your Peace

Everyone has suffered some sort of emotional hurt through the words or actions of another. Experiencing this hurt is completely natural, but sometimes the hurt lingers for a long time. This interferes with our day to day life, whether we realize it or not. We may notice that there is an undercurrent in our life … Read more

The Power of Forgiveness in a Peaceful Life

The Power of Forgiveness is real. It’s also an essential tool for a more peaceful life. You may have times when you’ve been hurt or feel angry toward someone close to you. They may have said something that devastated you or done something without thinking that triggered feelings of frustration and anger. You are blown … Read more

Give Yourself this Gift for a Peaceful Life

Are you looking for a more peaceful life?  You may be surprised to know that there is a gift you can give yourself that will instantly make your life more peaceful.  The best part is that it will not cost you any money at all.  You may have to pay in a different way, though. What is this … Read more

Apologize and Live a Peaceful Life

Have you ever made a mistake that negatively affects another person? If we are honest with ourselves, we all have. It may have been something as simple as using words that were misunderstood and taken the wrong way. Maybe you lost your temper, or were rude. Maybe it involved another person’s property or another relationship … Read more