Give Yourself this Gift for a Peaceful Life

Are you looking for a more peaceful life?  You may be surprised to know that there is a gift you can give yourself that will instantly make your life more peaceful.  The best part is that it will not cost you any money at all.  You may have to pay in a different way, though. What is this … Read more

Organics for a Peaceful LIfe

Most people associate having a peaceful life with getting rid of the things that stress them out. In a nutshell, that is a pretty good definition. However, what many don’t realize is that the quality of the food you eat can have a major impact on your peace. If you feel good, you will find … Read more

Enhancing Your Serotonin Levels

We hear a lot about the importance of serotonin, but may not really understand what it actually is.  Sometimes known as the “happy chemical,” serotonin is a hormone and a neurotransmitter (neurotransmitters carry impulses from one part of the brain to another, and from the brain to the rest of the body). Serotonin is involved in … Read more

Clean air for a Peaceful Life

We often hear news stories about big businesses polluting the environment – especially the air we breathe. Air quality is a very serious issue, especially that caused by industrial pollution. Did you ever stop to think, though, that the air in your home may also be polluted? Most everyone spends at least eight hours a … Read more

Food Choices for a Peaceful Life

Having a more peaceful life means you are able to handle the stressors we dealt with every day. It’s a lot easier said than done, though.  Being able to stay calm and make healthier choices are super important but can be very challenging in stressful times. By practicing healthier choices today, you will be ready … Read more

Boost Your Morning Metabolism for a Healthier, More Peaceful Life

We’re all looking for ways to rid ourselves of excess weight and build a little muscle. It’s good for your health and it looks and feels great. It also leads to a more peaceful life because you feel better not only physically, but you also feel better about yourself mind, body, and spirit. One of … Read more

Sunday Serenities – A New Affirmation to Start Your Week

Sunday Serenities – A New Affirmation to Start Your Week Each week we will be sharing a new affirmation.  The introductory information will remain the same, but if you are new to affirmations, please check out the first two sections on “What is an Affirmation?” and  “How to Practice Your Affirmation.” If you regularly read … Read more

Foods that help with a more peaceful life

Have you been feeling anxious lately? If so, you’re not alone. Anxiety is a wide-spread issue that affects millions of people every day. The symptoms can vary from feeling jittery, cold sweats to grinding teeth. However, most people agree that, regardless of how anxiety makes them feel, it’s never a good experience. Studies suggest that … Read more

Stress Resistance for a Peaceful Life

When you hear the word stress, what do you think?  Many people think about stress as something they just have to deal with.  They understand it may interfere with their peace, but they are resigned that life is just that way.  Stress happens. Here’s a question to think about for a moment:  Do you think of stress as a … Read more

Achieving Your Ideal Weight Once and For All

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is strictly for informational purposes. Every possible effort has been made in preparing and researching this material. It is not to be used as a substitute for necessary professional advice. Introduction The internet and bookstores are filled with weight loss books, diets, eating plans, and advice on how … Read more