Sunday Serenities – A New Affirmation to Start Your Week

Each week we will be sharing a new affirmation.  The introductory information will remain the same, but if you are new to affirmations, please check out the first two sections on “What is an Affirmation?” and  “How to Practice Your Affirmation.” If you regularly read our weekly article or already do affirmations, feel free to … Read more

Tap Into Your Motivation

Do you ever wake up in the morning, and the last thing you want to do is get out of bed? How about the mornings when you wake up, hop out of bed ready to take on the world? What’s the difference between those two scenarios? Motivation. Motivation is what compels us to set goals, … Read more

Sunday Serenities – A New Affirmation to Start Your Week

Each week we will be sharing a new affirmation. The introductory information will remain the same, but if you are new to affirmations, please check out the first two sections on “What is an Affirmation?” and “How to Practice Your Affirmation.” If you regularly read our weekly article or already do affirmations, feel free to … Read more

New Year’s Resolutions – Yay or Nay?

At this time of year we hear a lot about resolutions. You may be considering whether or not you’re going to make any New Year’s resolutions for 2022. Maybe you’ve made them in the past and started off strong, and lost interest over time. Maybe you never really got started – but the intention was … Read more

Don’t be afraid to set goals

Goal setting – we often hear how important it is to set goals for ourselves. What do we want to do with our life? How will we plan for it? How will we finance our next vacation? These are all good questions that can only be effectively answered by setting a goal. To many people, … Read more

Stop Blocking Your Peaceful Life

You might be making a more peaceful life harder than it has to be. You surely aren’t doing it on purpose and probably don’t even realize it. Have you ever met a person who just always seems to be making everything more difficult than it needs to be. You probably know a few people like … Read more

Experience the Joy of Peaceful Living with a Mission Statement

Do you have a mission statement? You may be asking “what’s a mission statement?” According to, a “personal mission statement or personal philosophy is what you feel you would like to become in your life. It is an internal process and needs to come from the core of who you are. There are no … Read more

Achieving Big Goals Made Easy

We often hear about setting goals and achieving results. It’s a science. There are some basic steps involved. Forbes has made achieving your goals a simple four step process: Do the research Write SMT (specific, measurable and time specific) goals Get started Achieve and repeat Most people believe, however, that the big goals aren’t so … Read more

Dreams vs. Goals

Do you remember, as a kid, dreaming about the future? Your mind could be as creative as it wanted to be. There were no limits. As you got older, you may have thought about turning those dreams into something real. If you were truly serious about it, you would turn your dream into a goal. … Read more

25 Reasons to be Grateful Today

Gratitude is one of the keys to a peaceful life. I encourage all my readers and clients to get a gratitude journal and to write three things for which they are thankful every morning when they wake up. The rule is that you can write anything you want, but you cannot write the same thing … Read more