Unicorns and Your Peaceful Life

Disclaimer – this was borrowed, with permission so long as it remains anonymous – thank you, my friend. Quick – before they disappear! Think about this magical topic – What Unicorns Can Teach You About Making Your Life More Magically Peaceful  You may have heard stories that society is approaching peak unicorn. Some experts are … Read more

Compliments and Gratitude

Compliments and gratitude go together like peanut butter and jelly, salt and pepper, spaghetti and meatballs – well you get the drift. Everyone loves them – even if they are not able to accept them easily. Think about it for a minute. Don’t you love to receive compliments? It’s great for your self-esteem and just … Read more

Sunday Serenities – A New Affirmation to Start Your Week

Each week I like to share with you an affirmation that I think will benefit you and those around you.  This introductory information will remain basically the same, but if you are new to affirmations, please check out the first two sections on “What is an Affirmation?” and  “How to Practice Your Affirmation.” If you … Read more

Is Happiness Essential for a Peaceful Life?

If you want a more peaceful life, it helps to be happy. It’s not an absolute requirement, but it makes it a lot easier. Being happy comes easy for many, but some people have to work at it. If you’re one of the ones who has to work at it, or just if you would … Read more

Laughter – It’s So Good for Your Body!

Some years back a certain beverage industry came up with a slogan: (their product) – it does a body good. Now there has been some controversy over the years as to whether or not that particular beverage was good for the body, and it is not the purpose of this blog post to decide one … Read more

Your Special Relationship can Help with a Peaceful Life

We all want to have a good relationship with our partner. It makes life much more peaceful. But, what if instead of settling for a good relationship, we could have a great relationship? Wouldn’t that be so much better? We were not meant to be alone, so that requires having relationships. Relationships can be really … Read more

What’s in your toolbox?

We all would like a more peaceful life. However, it doesn’t always come naturally. I find I need some tools to help me when times get tricky. My favorite item in my Peaceful Life Toolbox is gratitude. It costs nothing, and has so many benefits. Think for a minute – when was the last time someone … Read more

Stop Blocking Your Peaceful Life

You might be making a more peaceful life harder than it has to be. You surely aren’t doing it on purpose and probably don’t even realize it. Have you ever met a person who just always seems to be making everything more difficult than it needs to be. You probably know a few people like … Read more

Be Intentional to have a Peaceful Life

Living an Intentional Life Living with intention is a very important tool for a more peaceful life. Using our intention to take us through the day keeps us focused, more productive, and aligned with our purpose. What does it mean to live intentionally? Living an intentional life is the opposite of living a life of chance … Read more

Smiling – for a More Peaceful Life

It’s easy enough to smile, but many people aren’t smiling as often as they should. Smiling can do a lot for you, your life gets more peaceful, and it feels great, too. Let’s take a deeper look at some of the reasons why it can help to smile more. Smiling is free and has many … Read more