Most people associate having a peaceful life with getting rid of the things that stress them out. In a nutshell, that is a pretty good definition. However, what many don’t realize is that the quality of the food you eat can have a major impact on your peace. If you feel good, you will find it easier to overcome the things that interfere with your peace. In today’s post we’re going to begin a discussion about healthy eating – more of an introduction to organics.
Eating Healthy with Organic Food 
Organic foods are extremely popular right now because people hear how good they are for you. Unfortunately, many are not willing to give up the convenience of the conventional foods they have been eating all of their lives. Others say they don’t buy organic foods because they are too expensive. What they don’t think about is that healthy, organic eating can offer them the health benefits they need to help them fight diseases and other health risks.
The concept of organic foods is all the rage, but understanding the ins and outs of organic food benefits, labels, and claims can be confusing. In fact, there are many people who wonder if organic foods are really healthier or not. They may ask why you should consider organic foods? Are they beneficial to your health? Well, whatever the questions are, it is important to learn the truth about organics.
Organic Foods Defined
Organic refers to the process on how products are produced and grown. Particular requirements should be maintained and met so that products will be labeled as organic. The organic crops should be grown in safe soil. They should have no modifications and should remain separate from the conventional products. When it comes to producing organic foods, farmers are forbidden to use bioengineered genes or GMOs, synthetic pesticides, sewage fertilizers, and petroleum-based fertilizers.
What are GMOs or Genetically Modified Organisms?
According to the Non-GMO Project, a GMO, or genetically modified organism, is a plant, animal, microorganism or other organism whose genetic makeup has been modified in a laboratory using genetic engineering or transgenic technology. This creates combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and virus genes that do not occur in nature or through traditional crossbreeding methods.
You may also hear these referred to as Genetically Engineered foods (GE).
Genetic modification affects many of the products we consume on a daily basis. As the number of GMOs available for commercial use grows every year, the Non-GMO Project works diligently to provide the most accurate, up-to-date standards for non-GMO verification. They are the go-to source for up to date information.
The Perks of Organic Foods
Organic foods offer a wide range of benefits. Several studies show that the organic foods are more nutrient dense than the conventionally grown foods. Moreover, people who have allergies to preservatives, chemicals or foods often see their symptoms reduced when they switch to eating organic foods.
One major benefit of organic foods is that they contain less harmful pesticides. These pesticides are chemicals including herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. Such chemicals are used in the conventional agriculture and the residue remains in or on the food you eat. When you consume that picture perfect conventional apple instead of the cute little imperfect looking organic apple, you are actually also consuming layers of wax, pesticides, and other harmful chemicals. And on a side note, you are missing out on the flavor.
Understanding the Organic Food Labels
Once you have considered organic foods, there are several terms that you should understand in order for you to make the most of these foods. When shopping around, keep in mind that natural foods are not equivalent to organic foods. Natural foods don’t have any production standards that must be met. Natural is just a term to make consumers feel good.
Organic foods, on the other hand, have to be certified that they have met a set of stringent production standards. Such standards may vary from one country to another. For instance, in US, organic foods have USDA Organic label. This indicates that the food is one hundred percent organic. There are also other labels offered on the organic foods in other countries like Canada and Australia. Depending on your residency, make sure that you know the organic food labels for your location to ensure that you are getting real organics.
Why Should You Eat Organic? 
No matter what type of diet you are into, staying organic as much as possible should be your priority. Not totally convinced? Are you still wondering the reasons why you should eat organic?
Let me share a few of the reasons here:
Top Reasons Why You Should Settle with Organic Foods
You can Avoid the Chemicals
Eating organic foods is the only way to be sure you are avoiding the harmful chemicals that are present on commercially grown foods. Over six hundred active chemicals are registered for agricultural us in the US and billions of pounds are used every year.
They are more Satisfying and Nutritious
Organic foods have a higher content of nutrients compared to other foods. These foods contain more minerals, micro nutrients, vitamins, and healthy enzymes. This is because the soil is nourished and managed with sustainable practices by production standards. You can expect better nutrition, and better satiety when you choose organic foods.
They just Taste Better
Some will say that the best thing about organic foods is they taste better. This is partly because well-balanced and nourished soil produces strong and healthy plants, and the plants aren’t treated with anything to make them look nice or grow larger. This is true with the heirloom varieties that are cultivated for the taste over appearance.
You don’t have to Worry about GMO Hazards
Foods that are genetically engineered are actually contaminating today’s food supply. Therefore, if you want to make sure that your foods are healthy, choose only GMO free foods.
You can Avoid Antibiotics, Drugs, and Hormones
Conventional dairy and meat products contain the highest risk for contamination. More than ninety percent of pesticides were ingested or processed by the time you buy conventional dairy and meat products. Choose organic instead, and rest assured you are not ingesting any of these unwanted items.
Preserve Our Ecosystems
Organic farming helps in preserving our ecosystems. Crop rotation and preservation of soil keep the farmland healthy and the chemical abstinence helps preserve the ecosystem. Insects, birds, soil organisms, and wildlife can play their roles in the ecology’s tapestry. Also, humans can also do their parts by acting responsibly, not using excess chemicals, and not wasting our resources.
Lessen Pollution and Protects Soil and Water
Agricultural pesticides, fertilizers, and chemicals are poisoning our water. The water table is basically contaminated. Organic farming does not allow for these to be used, thus preserving our water, keeping our environment in a better state of balance.
Keep Our Future Generation Safe and Healthy
One of the main reasons why you should choose organic foods is they have the power to help you keep safe and healthy. Some experts said that these foods can prolong one’s life and can offer them a healthier lifestyle. So, if you want to get rid of any diseases or some health risks, then this is the right time for you to stay healthy by considering organic foods.
Consider the long term effects on your friends, family, and future generations. By making the switch to organics now, you are not only preserving your own future, but the future of your loved ones and beyond.
Next time we revisit this topic, we’ll talk about how to know you are getting the best foods, and a little about what to do with them.
Good health, good nutrition, and clean eating are all very valuable tools for a peaceful life.
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