Tools for a Peaceful Life – A to Z

Today I want to share some of my most effective tools for a peaceful life by giving you my A to Z list. Once you’ve reviewed my list, I challenge you to make one of your own. A – Affirm – this applies to yourself and others. The Oxford dictionary has two definitions for the … Read more

How to Discover Your True Purpose

If you’ve followed me for any length of time (if so, thank you), you’ve probably seen the phrase, “find your purpose – find your joy!” more than once. However, I’ve noticed that many people don’t know now to find their purpose. In my humble opinion, you will find your purpose once you understand your passions … Read more

New Ideas + Open Minds = More Peaceful Life

When I was a child, I was quite opinionated and had trouble understanding why everyone didn’t think the way I thought. As I got older, I still had trouble understanding how people could think so differently, but I wasn’t quite as outspoken. It was a whole lot safer and life was more peaceful, I found, … Read more

Sunday Serenities – A New Affirmation to Start Your Week

Sunday Serenities – A New Affirmation to Start Your Week Each week we will be sharing a new affirmation.  The introductory information will remain the same, but if you are new to affirmations, please check out the first two sections on “What is an Affirmation?” and  “How to Practice Your Affirmation.” If you regularly read … Read more

The Connection Between Stretching and Meditation

You’ve probably heard about the connection between meditation and yoga, but did you know that yoga is way more than just stretching, twisting yourself into a pretzel, and holding poses for long periods of time? Yoga encompasses so much more than just the physical. If you look up the definition of yoga, you may find … Read more

Forgive and Let Go to Keep Your Peace

Everyone has suffered some sort of emotional hurt through the words or actions of another. Experiencing this hurt is completely natural, but sometimes the hurt lingers for a long time. This interferes with our day to day life, whether we realize it or not. We may notice that there is an undercurrent in our life … Read more

Delegation Strategies for the Recovering Control Freak

True confessions – this used to be one of my biggest struggles as a recovering perfectionist. I would be appointed to carry out a project – whether it be a big one or little didn’t matter. I would have people around me who were fully capable of making everything work, getting things done, and probably … Read more

Peaceful Parenting is Possible

It’s not easy to be a great parent. There are many reasons – some of us didn’t have the best examples to follow, it’s not a skill taught in school, and the demands keep changing. There’s really no up to date handbook, so you either have to educate yourself the best you can or learn … Read more

Body Shaming Hurts – No Matter What Size

Body shaming is a real thing, and it hurts. Although fat shaming has received a great amount of media attention, skinny shaming is also an issue. So, what is body shaming? If you’re not familiar with the term, body shaming is about making inappropriate and negative comments about another person’s weight or size. Frequently, this … Read more

Living a Peaceful Life when Life’s not so Peaceful

So, lately my personal life has not been what most people would consider peaceful. Do you ever feel that way? Let me explain a bit. I was deeply affected by a death of a close family member, then an investment I made wasn’t as lucrative as I was led to believe it would be, then … Read more