Ten Happiness Tips

If you want a more peaceful life, it helps to be happy. It’s not an absolute requirement, but it makes it a lot easier. Being happy comes easy for many, but some people have to work at it. If you’re one of the ones who has to work at it, or just if you would … Read more

Love Your Inner Critic for a Peaceful Life

Your inner critic can be you the worst enemy or your best friend. It’s important to make friends with your inner critic and even to extend it some unconditional love if you are determined to live a peaceful life. How do we hear what out inner critic is saying? It’s what many people call out … Read more

Forgiveness for a Peaceful Life

If you are looking to truly have a peaceful life, give yourself the gift of forgiveness. We all react when we feel someone has wronged us. In fact, forgiveness may be the last thing on our minds. We may even be plotting how to get back at them for what they’ve done, or imagine letting … Read more

The Why and How of Inner Peace

Inner Peace – close you eyes and visualize inner peace – what do you see? Is it a guru sitting on a cushion in lotus position chanting aum? Is it sitting on a beach, looking out into the ocean? It’s probably not a person sitting in front of a computer at work, or a line … Read more

Stress and the Importance of Sleep Part 3 of 3

Bedtime Routines that Combat Stress One of the biggest reasons people experience stress at bedtime is failure to plan for a restful night’s sleep. Like most things, failure to plan is a plan to fail. It seems simple enough, get in bed, turn off the lights, close our eyes, and fall asleep. If only it were … Read more

Start small to go big!

To Achieve Big Goals, Start with Small Ones Every new year, people sit down to write out their goals or make big resolutions. The big resolutions ultimately fail as they are usually based on emotion, and the goal is unrealistic. For example, you will hear someone state that they will lose twenty pounds in January, … Read more