Stress and the Importance of Sleep – Part 2

Three Apps that Help Stressed Out People Sleep Like a Baby Stress has a way of making itself known when we want to go to sleep. Somehow, we can shove our stressful thoughts aside most of the day but the moment we try to clear our minds and go to sleep, BAM- stressful thoughts overwhelm us. There … Read more

Stress and the Importance of Sleep – part 1

Sadly, stress is part of life. At some point, everyone experiences stress. Physical, emotional and other types of stress take their toll on our minds and bodies. That’s one of the reasons sleep is so important. Sleep is can help us manage our stress. Our bodies use sleep to restore and recover. While we sleep … Read more

Stop those Food Cravings

FYI – I published this blog a year or so ago, but it just seems appropriate today more than ever. Holiday stresses and the readily availability of sweets and comfort foods are a sure formula to fall back into the cycle of self medicating with food if we allow ourselves to go there. ===== Do … Read more

Yes, You Really Can Make It Through Family Holiday Visits

Family holiday visits are something most of us either love or hate. When family gets together, memories abound – both good and not so good. However, there is something a little different about extended family – especially those on your mate’s side of the family. You know who I’m talking about – “the in-laws.” There … Read more

Perfectionism and a Peaceful Life

Many people think if they can be perfect, then they can be perfectly happy. However, the battle between perfection and happiness can really wreak havoc – especially if you want to live a more peaceful life. Perfectionists refuse to accept any results short of perfection. The urge to be perfect can be a real challenge. … Read more

Coping Methods for a Peaceful Life

Nearly seventy percent of Americans experience physical and mental symptoms of stress, but only thirty seven percent think they are doing very well at managing it, according to a recent study by the American Psychological Association.  Coping styles are the ways we deal with stress. Most of us have a variety of methods that we … Read more

Live a Peaceful Life while Everyone Else is Losing Their Mind

Have you ever noticed that some people stay calm under pressure much better than others? No matter what seems to be happening, they are always in a state of peace. Nothing really ruffles their feathers. Does that describe you? If not, no worries. Read on for some techniques to help you get there. Everyone has … Read more

Stress and the Importance of Sleep Part 1 of 3

Sadly, stress is part of life. At some point, everyone experiences stress. Physical, emotional and other types of stress take their toll on our minds and bodies. That’s one of the reasons sleep is so important. Sleep is can help us manage our stress. Our bodies use sleep to restore and recover. While we sleep … Read more