Crystals and Meditation for a Peaceful Life

If you are new to meditating, you may be having difficulty with focus or stillness. Don’t be discouraged, I’ve never met anyone who could just sit and meditate the first time they tried it. In fact, I have been practicing meditation for many years, and sometimes have difficulty with my own focus and stillness. When … Read more

Taking the Fear Out of Setting Goals

Goal setting – we often hear how important it is to set goals for ourselves. What do we want to do with our life? How will we plan for it? How will we finance our next vacation? These are all good questions that can only be effectively answered by setting a goal. To many people, … Read more

Keep a Peaceful Soul

Sometimes life is more difficult than others.  It doesn’t have to be that anything big and terrible is going on, it can just be that a lot of little things keep grating away.  After a time, it just feels like nothing is right.  That’s when a peaceful soul becomes more important than ever.  A peaceful … Read more

Sunday Serenities – A New Affirmation to Start Your Week

Sunday Serenities – A New Affirmation to Start Your Week Each week we will be sharing a new affirmation.  The introductory information will remain the same, but if you are new to affirmations, please check out the first two sections on “What is an Affirmation?” and  “How to Practice Your Affirmation.” If you regularly read … Read more

Live for Now, not Later

Here’s a story shared by a friend that was worth repeating: Two years ago, my cousin realized he wasn’t happy with the life he was living and so decided to make a change. You see, he was the type of person who would sacrifice everything he believed in or what he wanted for the sake … Read more

Embrace the Now for a Peaceful Life

Embracing The Moments It is true that the more time you spend thinking about the past and worrying about the future, the more you miss the most beautiful moments in life. Dwelling on past events and always thinking about the future makes it hard for you to notice, appreciate, and embrace the great things that … Read more

Mindfulness for a More Peaceful Life

The moment you utter the word “mindfulness” in certain crowds, eyeballs are bound to roll. Yet it is a simple word and it is one of the methods that help us to live in the moment, to embrace the Now. Simply put, mindfulness just implies awareness or consciousness of life and things around you. It … Read more

Sunday Serenities – A New Affirmation to Start Your Week

Sunday Serenities – A New Affirmation to Start Your Week Each week we will be sharing a new affirmation.  The introductory information will remain the same, but if you are new to affirmations, please check out the first two sections on “What is an Affirmation?” and  “How to Practice Your Affirmation.” If you regularly read … Read more

Cleaner Air Because You Need to Breathe to be Peaceful

We often hear news stories about big businesses polluting the environment – especially the air we breathe. Air quality is a very serious issue, especially that caused by industrial pollution. Did you ever stop to think, though, that the air in your home may also be polluted? Most everyone spends at least eight hours a … Read more