Sunday Serenities – A New Affirmation to Start Your Week

Each week we will be sharing a new affirmation.  The introductory information will remain the same, but if you are new to affirmations, please check out the first two sections on “What is an Affirmation?” and  “How to Practice Your Affirmation.” If you regularly read our weekly article or already do affirmations, feel free to skip to the section titled “Read Today’s Affirmation.”

What is an Affirmation

Many have heard of affirmations, but if you haven’t tried them yet, you are missing out!  Simply put, an affirmation is a statement you use to affirm yourself – you know, to say something positive.  There are many different types, and as long as they are positive, there really is no wrong way to do an affirmation.

Affirmations can be a simple phrase, a list of related statements, or a focused paragraph.  All of these work well depending on the situation you are working on, the time you have, and your intention – your intention being the most important part of the equation.

Do Affirmations Work?

According to an article by Catherine Moore, Psychologist, MBA in “There is MRI evidence suggesting that certain neural pathways are increased when people practice self-affirmation tasks (Cascio et al., 2016). If you want to be super specific, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex—involved in positive valuation and self-related information processing—becomes more active when we consider our personal values (Falk et al., 2015; Cascio et al., 2016).

The results of a study by Falk and colleagues suggest that when we choose to practice positive affirmations, we’re better able to view “otherwise-threatening information as more self-relevant and valuable” (2015: 1979).”

So the bottom line is yes – affirmations work.  It’s not a magic bullet.  You do have put in the time and effort to practice them regularly.  Do some research and find the affirmations that resonate with you, then begin to put them into practice.  You can begin your search with the affirmation for today.

How to Practice Your Affirmation 

Here is how to practice today’s affirmation.  It is not original – but it is so good, I had to share (with permission of course and the promise to keep the originator anonymous).  If you are comfortable with the idea, I like to recommend that people do this in front of a mirror.  Read the affirmation a phrase at a time, then pause after each phrase.  Take time to look yourself in the eye and then repeat the phrase back to yourself aloud. When you are finished with the affirmation, take time to breathe and reflect.

Finish your time by answering the self-reflection questions below.  You can answer them any way you like, but I prefer to have a journal where I can have both my affirmations and the answers to my questions together.  You may be surprised when you look back at them one day and discover the answers may be totally different.

Read Today’s Affirmation

My spirituality and my relationship with my Creator is the foundation of my life.

I take on very few challenges without first consulting my Creator. Having that center of reason and understanding gives me the courage to make difficult choices in life.

Although I am sometimes intimidated by the outcome, I build confidence by trusting in my Source of guidance.

A big part of my spirituality is tied to my core values. My core values guide me unfailingly, so I rely on them as a foundation for my direction.

Whenever I choose to follow the correct path for my life, I am comforted. Even feelings of sadness drift away as I know that my choice comes from a positive place with positive intention.

Before starting each day, I express gratitude and hopeful expectation for the guidance received. Connecting with my Spiritual Center energizes me and gives me hope.

Even the hardest situations become manageable because I know that I am led by a Power higher than myself. I trust in my Creator’s ability to protect me when I am in danger. This knowledge uplifts me when I am down. I am truly thankful for the spiritual foundation I am continuing to develop every day.

Today, it is a blessing to be a believer in something more powerful than my humanity. I sense my Creator and His spiritual guidance at work in my life. Fear has no dominion in my life. I can overcome any challenge because of my reliance on my my Creator.

Answer the Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What are some of the most important values that shape my life?

2. How does my spirituality show itself in tough work situations?

3. What part does spiritual awareness play in my end-of-day reflection?

I hope you enjoyed this issue of Sunday Serenities.  It is my mission to help provide you with the tools you need to have a more peaceful life so you can:

Find your purpose – find your joy!

Would you like copy of Improve Your Mindset? Just click on the link – it’s my gift to you.

Did you find a few more ideas of your own? If so, I’d love to hear about them in the comments, and as always please reach out with your thoughts.

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Serenities Now LLC is a holistic health practice that will help you find the tools you need to bring calm to your chaos, take back your control, and break through your barriers, so you can become your best self ever.

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