It’s time to get started on your dreams for a peaceful life – so, what are you waiting for? What’s holding you back from just getting started? Take a moment of truth, be vulnerable with yourself, and consider what is really behind getting started and just doing it.
What’s your excuse?
Do you ever tell yourself that you’ll get started on your big plans at some future date? Are you waiting to start after the kids graduate from college? Or, maybe you’re waiting for warmer weather to begin your exercise program. We’ve all done it. There always seems to be a good reason not to get started right here and now.
Are you really digging deep to be sure you know the real reason you’re waiting? Did you consider that if you’re waiting to begin pursuing your dreams, you may just be procrastinating?
Everyone has an excuse as to why this isn’t the perfect time to start – especially if it is something new or unfamiliar. You probably have reasons you’re holding back as well. Consider the excuses below. Are any of them yours?
You’re waiting for the perfect time.
Are you waiting for the stars to align and the heavens to tap you on the shoulder and give you permission? You’ll be waiting for a long time. The time will never be perfect to get started on something significant, so just get started. The perfect time to start working on your dreams is now.
You’re waiting for something else to happen first.
Maybe you’re waiting for the kids to move out or for the mortgage to be paid off. Or you’re waiting until your next promotion. Or you’re waiting until your parents pass away. What if you wait too long, and you run out of time? What if the opportunity window closes, or your personal situation changes where you are no longer able to do what you dream about? The perfect time to start working on your dreams is now.
You’re waiting until you have more money. 
Regardless of your budget, there’s something you can do to get started today. Even if it’s just doing research and learning new skills, you can do something. There’s never enough money to be one hundred percent confidant you have all you need. If your dream is supposed to happen, be assured you’ll find the money you need along the way. The perfect time to start working on your dreams is now.
You’re waiting on your calendar.
You’re waiting for Monday, or the first of the month, or the first of the year. So many people wait until Monday to start a diet, or the first of the month to begin an exercise routine. There’s nothing magical about any date on the calendar. The calendar is a man-made invention. There’s no reason to be bound by it.
Will you get more accomplished if you start today or wait three weeks? Think about it – the perfect time to start working on your dreams is now.
You’re waiting until you know more.
Some people believe they need to know every shred of information related to their quest before they can get started. This simply isn’t true. It’s a procrastination technique. You don’t need to know a lot to begin. What you need to know, you can learn along the way. We always want to keep learning, and it makes more sense and we retain things better if we learn as we do. The perfect time to start working on your dreams is now.
You don’t really think you’ll be successful. 
Some people are content with not starting if they are more afraid of failing than succeeding. It makes sense that you won’t get started if you believe you can’t be successful. Failing is okay – in fact it is a great way to learn and perfect what you need to do. Sometimes you just need to start with the first step – kind of like eating an elephant – one bite at a time. A perfect goal is one that you believe you can achieve that also excites you. In this case, address the underlying issue instead of stalling. The perfect time to start working on your dreams is now.
You’re afraid you will be successful.
Many people are afraid of success. They’re comfortable with their current situation even if they don’t like it. They would rather have predictable misery than uncertain success. There’s no way to predict what your life will be like if you’re successful. The uncertainty can be paralyzing if you over think it. Focus on the positive aspects of achieving success. List out all of the benefits and visualize yourself enjoying those benefits. The perfect time to start working on your dreams is now.
You fear the unknown.
If you’re honest with yourself, this is the most likely reason you’re postponing the pursuit of your dreams. Whether you dread the feeling of being hungry on a diet, sweating on a treadmill, or making a fool out of yourself with a failed business, you’re simply afraid of what you don’t know is coming. Instead, make yourself more afraid of doing nothing. Imagine how terrible it would be to waste your life. Think about how awful it would be to never test yourself or to never have a chance of living your dreams or carrying out your purpose in life. The perfect time to start working on your dreams is now.
In most cases, it’s better to get started immediately, rather than waiting for just the right time to get started. Even a little progress is better than no progress. Have faith in yourself and jump right in with both feet.
You can’t be successful if you don’t get started. Your dreams are waiting for you – and have I mentioned this yet? The perfect time to start working on your dreams is now.
Find your purpose – find your joy!
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Did you find a few more ideas of your own? If so, I’d love to hear about them in the comments, and as always please reach out with your thoughts.
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