Do your doubt yourself?

Do you ever doubt yourself?  I know that I do – although I do it less and less, for which I am truly thankful. You may wonder how I slowed it down – so I thought I’d share.  About a year ago, I posted this short little blog post:

Here’s some wise advice from a friend:

“Doubting yourself is natural. Being afraid is normal. But letting the fear stop you, that’s a choice.  Doubting yourself, being scared, and constantly questioning yourself in your mind is completely normal.

I doubt myself all the time. There are times where I question everything and wonder if what I’m doing even matters in this world.  Heck, there are times that I just contemplate quitting BUT those things are never going to happen.

Why? Because although fear is real and we all deal with it we don’t have to give into it.  We have a choice daily. We have to decide that we’ll let nothing stop us.

Whenever you get those feelings, whenever you feel afraid and you are tempted to let fear into your mind just remember, it’s a choice! Fear is the False Evidence Appearing Real!

Don’t buy into it! The strongest factor for success is self-esteem.  Believing you can do it, believing you deserve it, believing you will get it!”

That short little post, and the advice of my friend, solidified in my mind that I had the power to choose my reality. No one else could, should, or would choose for me from that day forward. It was empowering and freeing at the same time. I hope you will find that same truth, if you haven’t already found it.

One more thing I’d like to share with you today are a group of affirmations that can help you make your choices.  Feel free to use them as is, or tailor them to better fit your belief system. If you’re not familiar with affirmations or how to use them, check out any of my Sunday Serenities posts.  Here’s one from this month.

Affirmations on choices:

My choices and possibilities are expanding every day.

I am blessed to have so many options in my life. Everywhere I look, I see more possibilities. My brain is constantly surveying my life to provide more choices, possibilities, and opportunities each day. My options are continuously expanding.

When I make a choice, I do so with confidence.  I take full responsibilities for my choices and I know I can trust myself, and my discernment.

I use my time in a way that increases my opportunities. I learn something new each day. This knowledge increases my value to the world. As my skills and knowledge increase, my possibilities increase, too.

I am meeting new people each day. Many of these people are influential and provide me with new possibilities. I, in turn, help them as well. My social circle is growing and expanding.

When I open my mind and my heart, the possibilities are endless. All I have to do is close my eyes, release the tension in my body, and be open to the possibilities that exist all around me. My ability to do this improves with each attempt. I am amazed by the results I see.

My attitude and expectations are high. I avoid accepting mediocrity. I know that amazing opportunities are coming my way. I am strving for and expecting nothing less than excellence.

Today, I appreciate the choices and possibilities in my life. I am looking forward to even greater opportunities. My choices and possibilities are expanding every day.

I hope you’ve found this short reminder and list of affirmations helpful and that you will have less doubt in your life. Keep in mind that life is a journey, a process, and something that takes time.  Things don’t always happen as quickly as we’d like, but as I was always told as a child, “Patience is a virtue – good things come to those who wait.”

Find your purpose – find your joy!

Would you like copy of Improve Your Mindset? Just click on the link – it’s my gift to you.

Did you find a few more ideas of your own? If so, I’d love to hear about them in the comments, and as always please reach out with your thoughts.

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