If you are new to meditating, you may be having difficulty with focus or stillness. Don’t be discouraged, I’ve never met anyone who could just sit and meditate the first time they tried it. In fact, I have been practicing meditation for many years, and sometimes have difficulty with my own focus and stillness. When this happens, I like to have something to help me focus. I used to use a candle, but now that I avoid chemical scents and try to be organic about what is I keep in my home, I’ve switched to crystals to help with my focus.
Which Crystals Are Good For Meditation
Meditating takes time and practice to master. It requires focus and a clear mind. However, those who experience anxiety and depression, usually find it difficult to clear their minds. Running thoughts, which I have heard called “monkey brain,” interrupt the ability to meditate. Using crystals in meditation practice helps you focus on the crystal and reduce the chatter that goes on in your brain, allowing you to settle your thoughts. Crystals can be used by beginners and experienced meditators to hold the focus for their meditation.
Why Use Crystals in Meditation 
Using a crystal in meditation acts as a visual aid to clear the mind or hold an intention for your meditation. If you consider how a stuffed animal helps a child feel comforted when upset, a crystal works in a similar way. When a person who experiences anxiety has running thoughts, it can be hard to keep the mind from focusing on these thoughts. By holding a crystal in meditation, they can channel their running thoughts into the crystal. The solid object of the crystal offers comfort and unique vibrational qualities to the Meditator.
Crystals also act as intention holders. If, for instance, the focus for the meditation is to heal grief, setting the intention to release grief temporarily into the crystal helps to bring about this desired outcome. The crystal then holds your space and acts as a witness to the meditation. The comfort that comes from focusing on the crystal may help them the grief more easily. Once the release is felt, let it go from yourself and the crystal.
A Few Crystals to Use in Meditation 
There are so many beautiful crystals on our beautiful earth. No particular crystal is better than another. If you have a favorite, try using it. If not, here are a few you can try.
White Quartz
White quartz crystals hold a unique vibration from other crystals and are widely used in a variety of healing work. The clearer the crystal, the more it can help with a master healing vibration. White quartz crystals are often very pure in energy and are able to find energy blockages. By using them in meditation, you may find that focusing your thoughts towards them will also help in releasing the thoughts from your mind. Once you release the negative thoughts and chatter from your mind, you are able to think more clearly and are better able to focus your mind in meditation.
Selenite is probably one of my favorite crystals. Selenite’s naturally calming vibration also helps in releasing negative and running thoughts from the mind. One thing that is different from selenite is that it carries a protective energy that keeps other people’s energy from affecting yours. Its energy can act as a barrier to keep other people’s energy out of your space. Most people who experience anxiety and depression find themselves thinking of the past or future events that involve other people. By using selenite, the crystal helps to release these thoughts to focus on the present. Selenite will disappear over time, so don’t be alarmed if you find your getting smaller.
Blue Agate
Blue agate is a natural healing stone that helps to calm the mind and emotions. The stone’s pale blue color and smooth ripples in the appearance gives the impression of water, which is part of the reason why this stone is recommended for meditation. It is helpful during meditation to provide enough calmness to the individual to focus on clearing their thoughts. It can also provide a relaxing feeling. It is known to help relieve a person experiencing anxiety and depression temporarily for them to practice meditation.
Still having trouble focusing? 
You may want to use one or more of these affirmations to help center yourself for your meditation time. If you still need help to focus, pick one phrase and repeat it over and over during your meditation time, as a sort of mantra. A mantra is a phrase you repeat over and over again until you no longer need it to help you focus.
It’s also helpful to have a set space where you meditate every time if possible. This helps both your conscious and subconscious mind know that when you are in that space, it is time to settle down.
Try one or more of these, or find one of your own that resonates with you.
● I am able to release my negative thoughts to make space for stillness
● I am safe and secure in my chosen space
● As I hold my crystal, I envision my mind releasing all negative thoughts
● I am sitting in stillness with my Creator during my meditation
● I am allowing my thoughts to flow into my crystal and quieting my mind, body, and spirit
● I am able to be still in my meditation and to hold the intention to release what is not best for me.
I hope these tips have been helpful to you as you work on your meditation practice. Keep in mind that it is called a practice for a reason. It’s a practice, not a perfect.
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Did you find a few more ideas of your own? If so, I’d love to hear about them in the comments, and as always please reach out with your thoughts.
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