Adaptability for a More Peaceful Life

It seems like things are changing at a super fast pace. We all know change is a normal part of life, but lately it seems like things are changing a whole lot more than we’ve ever seen before. The change we see isn’t always comfortable, in fact some of it is downright difficult and can cause a lot of stress, which is not helpful when trying to live a more peaceful life.

Everyone reacts in their own way to change. Some choose to fight it, some choose to go with the flow. Whatever you choose, know one very important thing. To survive change and still have a peaceful life, you must learn to adapt.

Why do I have to Adapt?

Those who do not adapt, cannot survive. I know it sounds harsh, but it’s true.

Those who adapt, thrive. Those who don’t, become extinct! You must consciously make the choice to adapt and thrive. Use the changes going on around you to help yourself grow and learn. Take advantage of new opportunities to help you succeed. Turn what appeared to be a potential disaster into a major victory.

Change is Inevitable 

When you think about it, you realize that the only true constant in this earthly life is change. As each new day dawns, it brings new opportunities. As each day passes, know that you are a different person, even if only slightly, from the day before. Change is inevitable – it’s your choice what you are going to do with it.

Adapt to the Change

Get comfortable enough to know you can incorporate life’s changes into your journey with confidence. Put a positive spin on it, make it an adventure. Expect it and embrace it.

It’s always best to have a plan, but If your day does not go as planned, learn to juggle. Rearrange your schedule, be ready to restructure your timetable to accommodate the change. Don’t fill your schedule in for every minute of the day. Leave some wiggle room in your schedule to make unplanned stops when needed. If you don’t need to use the extra time because of change, use it to read a good book or do some other self improvement work. If you do need the wiggle room, it will be available for you to use it. If you need even more time, don’t fret. Take care of what you need to do, then get back on track as soon as possible. 

When challenges arise, learn to adjust your path to accommodate them. Take time to seek solutions and then act decisively, adapting to the new circumstances without flinching. You can do it, just set your mind to it, and believe in yourself.

What about the Major Changes?

Sometimes the changes are not simple, they may involve life events like your job, your family, or other things that can’t be taken care of in a few minutes or a few hours. They may seem more overwhelming, but try to approach them in the same basic way. Know that you need to tweak some things, stay positive, and adapt.

Accept that major changes will require more time and effort. That’s okay, you can handle it.  They may even require you to adjust your priorities or reset your goals. It’s important to let go of the tendency to resist something just because it may be outside of your comfort zone, or even out of your control altogether. Instead of resisting, plan to take advantage of the benefits these new changes can bring.

The Bottom Line

No one really likes change, but as we’ve already discussed, change is going to happen. You can adapt to change and still have a peaceful life.

When you begin to feel overwhelmed by the changes going on around you, keep in mind the things we’ve already covered. Do some personal reflection. Ask yourself, “Do I have a tendency to resist change?” “What recent change has brought me positive benefits?” “What can I do to take advantage of some of the changes in my life?” Be honest with yourself, and allow yourself the grace you need.

Finally, prepare yourself with this important affirmation: “Today, I plan to discover the benefits of change and I adapt myself to make the best use of my new opportunities.” Repeat it daily, believe that you can make the best out of change by adapting.

Find your purpose – find your joy!

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Did you find a few more ideas of your own? If so, I’d love to hear about them in the comments, and as always please reach out with your thoughts.

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