We’ve all heard about superfoods. They are the foods that are supposed to be absolutely perfect for us. Usually they are around for awhile and then they die out from lack of interest, or even worse, they don’t work or may even be dangerous.
For many years we have tried to eat healthier in our family. I have learned that even if something claims to be organic we can’t be sure it’s fully organic. Unless it is something we have grown ourselves, we can’t be 100% sure how or where the product was actually grown. Even my favorite coffees are suspect!
Over the years, our farms have been struggling to keep up with demand. They have to plant frequently, and don’t have the opportunity to rotate their crops and maintain healthy solid. That means the majority of our farm produced foods don’t have the same amount of nutrients that they use to 100 years ago.
Bottom line, unfortunately, is that we are not getting the nutrients we need from our foods. We are also getting a lot of chemicals, toxins, and other environmental hazards that make their way into our food supply. Even a few of my favorite types of superfoods are becoming contaminated because of the environment in which they are grown.
Today I want to share with you about some of my absolutely favorite superfoods that have stood the test for the past seven years in Europe and are now being brought to North America so we can enjoy the benefits here in the United States, Mexico, and Canada, What makes these unique is they have found a way to harvest pure product that is totally protected from environmental hazards. The other plus (for me) is they also have some excellent coffee!

I’ll start by sharing their story, written in their own words:
“Sometimes the greatest achievements are born from the seeds of our greatest adversities. And such is the case of the biotech firm that evolved into Xelliss. The birth of the company can be traced back to the chilling accident back in 1986 at the Chernobyl power plant in the former Soviet Union…
“After the reactor accident, many children who suffered from radiation-related illnesses were treated with products developed from algae. Intrigued by this knowledge, entrepreneur Eric Masson began researching algae with his close friend Jean-Michel Larré. Algae (and its vital active principles chlorophyll, spirulina, and phycocyanin) offers some of the most potent nutritional properties in all of nature.
“A certain species of algae has been con- sumed by coastal cultures for centuries because of its ability to support the im- mune system. Chlorophyll in algae helps neutralize pollutants, and to clean and oxygenate your blood. Spirulina is often used to feed malnourished children because it contains all the micronutrients necessary for the body. And phycocyanin from spirulina, is revered by elite athletes and may just be the most potent super- food in the world.
“Because of this knowledge, in 2014 Eric and Jean-Michel formed a company to research how algae, virtual farming, and biotechnology could be utilized to create safe, healthy, and natural products.
“Operations whiz Jimmy Wan was brought in to handle logistics and charged with building out the infrastructure to expand that vision around the world. Xelliss pioneered using patented photobioreactor technology for vertical farming of algae. Now the company is recognized as the world’s premier algae-based nutrition company.”
So that is the Xelliss story, and while I don’t usually promote individual companies (with the exception of two others which we can talk about another time), when I find something worth sharing that is going to help change peoples’ health and lives for the better, I just can’t keep quiet about it.
I became a distributor for Xelliss and I’m loving their products. I also love their culture – they sincerely want to do things the right way and improve the lives of anyone involved with their products. They have a small product line, but extremely effective.
I have tried one product in particular that has really helped me with my workouts. I’ve shared before that I’m not a big fan of exercise, but using the PhycoSci products I’ve been able to stretch my cycle times from a mere (and grudging) twenty minutes to an easily attained hour or more!
One thing about their sports products that I really like is they advertise them as NO DOPING: The dietary supplements are “recognized by the independent Sport Protect certification, which guarantees athletes a formidable workout aid, without the risk of inadvertent doping. In compliance with the anti-doping standard NF V94-001 and SPORT PROTECT program. Guaranteed by a third party and independent body. sport-protect.”
That lets me know they are doing the right thing for their athlete customers. There is also PhycoSci SPORT which helps athletes with their stamina and helps with the lactic acid issues ofte brought on by strenuous training.
There are a few other products that you can look at online. These in the photo on the left are next on my list of must haves, not to mention the MicorBiome which is totally great for gut health. If you would like to check them out, please take a look around my Xelliss store.
For any of my new customers, who sign up with an account, I have a limited time offer going on where you can buy $50 worth of product and receive a free energy session worth $50! All you need to do is place an order online – be sure you are shopping with Sue Pine – and then either email me or leave a comment and I will send you a link for your free session. If you enroll with a monthly order of $50 or more, not only will you get a special discount as a Xelliss Privelege customer, I will also give you up to three free sessions – one each month for you first three months of autoship!
If you are interested in the business side of Xelliss, this is an excellent time to join. You can also join as a distributor through my store link and I will honor the limited time offer for up to three months for new distributors.
I know I usually don’t promote products and companies often on my blogs, but like I said earlier, when I find something worth sharing that is going to help change peoples’ health and lives for the better, I just can’t keep quiet about it. I hope you decide to join me in this wonderful journey to better health.
Find your purpose – find your joy!
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Did you find a few more ideas of your own? If so, I’d love to hear about them in the comments, and as always please reach out with your thoughts.
You can also connect with me via –
Email: info@SerenitiesNow.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sue.pine.92 or on Instagram: @sue.pine.serenities.now
Serenities Now LLC is a holistic health practice that will find you the tools you need to bring calm to your chaos, take back your control, and break through your barriers, so you can become your best self ever.